
Here's the deal.

1) I left my 20D in a cab Friday night after the People Magazine party at which I wasn't even allowed to take photos.

2) I did not get into Bloomberg. Apparently, I "talked to the wrong guy," because everyone else I was with (a few were also not on The List) got in. I didn't go to any other after parties because quite frankly I was pissed off and fed up.

3) The good news: I bought a 30D and rented an awesome lens.

See the rest of the photos on Wonkette.


Chuckles said...

Sucks about your camera and why does it look like none of these parties were at all interesting? Even the pople in your photos below look incredibly bored.

Anonymous said...

Liz- Are you from the Chicago area?

Liz Gorman said...

At this point it's a well known fact that the WHCD and the pre/post parties are actually not fun at all. However, multiple open bars usually make up for that.

No, I am from DC. I have only been to Chicago once, and that was on New Year's eve. There are photos from that trip; look in January.