
Michigan Central Station

"On April 7, 2009, the Detroit City Council passed a resolution aimed at the demolition of the Depot. Seven days later, Detroit resident Stanley Christmas sued the city of Detroit to stop the demolition effort, citing the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The future of the building is undetermined."

Face the Station

Hotel Eddystone and the Harbor Light Center; two former hotels in Detroit listed on the National Register of Historic Places. "In the early 1920s, Lew Tuller decided to expand his operations as one of Detroit’s leading hoteliers. He contracted with the distinguished Louis Kemper to design three new thirteen-story hotels: the Eddystone, shown in the picture above, the Park Avenue Hotel just across the street from the Eddystone and the Royal Palm Hotel nearby at 2305 Park. Presumably these hotels—and Lew Tuller—prospered in the 1920s as business people came to Detroit to serve the needs of the automotive industry and the city’s financial institutions."


Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, but so sad.

Dakota Fine said...

tight photos Liz... did you go to Detroit by yourself? why were you there?

Liz Gorman said...

Thanks guys! I went with my Dad. Plane tickets were cheap, hotel was cheap and I've never been. So off we went!

Anonymous said...

ditto the first poster, a lot of sadness here. good work